

Tired of feeling lost in the freelancing maze? I get you. So I created this road just for you. No fluff, just real talk and actionable steps to go from Zero to CEO.

Start your unstoppable career now!

Free Resources

1:1 mentorship

Group Coaching and Support

Let's redefine success,
on your terms.


Is this you?

This is for you if you want to end your era of:

✖ Scrolling through job listings, a coffee gone cold next to you, feeling like you're in a dense forest with no clear path. 
✖ Sitting alone in a café, watching a group of corporate employees laughing together, chasing that success ladder, while you’re there, on your own, wishing you had someone to share your dreams and challenges with.
✖ Waking up every day with the intention to make progress, but by evening you're distracted, defeated, and haven’t ticked a single thing off your list. 
✖ Staring at your desk buried under papers, invoices, and strategies, with no end or start. I know. It’s suffocating.
✖ Staying up ‘till 3 AM, tailoring applications, sending them into the vast void of freelancing sites, only to hear the deafening silence or clients trying to bargain you down.

And you just want to:

✔ be on a sunny business trail with a map in hand, every step confident and purposeful.
✔ be the heart of the party, surrounded by fellow freelancers who've got your back, cheering every win.
✔ own a business that feels like your favorite song on repeat – every day is productive, rhythmed, and fulfilling.
✔ clear the clutter on your and your mind with your organized files, the perfect tools, and an automated system. You, sitting back, sipping tea, business flowing smoothly while you focus on your zone of genius.
✔ turn the tables in your favor. Your inbox is buzzing, clients vying for your attention, ready and willing to pay your premium rates without batting an eye. The spotlight's on you, and oh, how it shines!

I need this!
Start my journey now. →


Lay a robust foundation for your freelance journey. Learn the strategies to create and strengthen your digital footprint. 

What you'll be learning:

What is LinkedIn and How Does It Work?

What is Instagram and How Does It Work?

What is Facebook and How Does It Work?

Build Your Online Presence

It's All About The Mindset


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I need this!
Start my journey now. →


Build your tribe. Deepen your understanding of the importance of a niche-focused mindset. Explore the art of handling and overseeing social media channels effectively.

What you'll be learning:

The Skills for Social Media Marketing Mastery Revealed

Social Media Management vs. Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Management?

Discovering Your Passion and Specialty


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I need this!
Start my journey now. →


Brand yourself as the go-to expert. Master the nuances of marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn in boosting your reach. Embark on an intensive journey to acquire clients with actionable tasks for a month.

What you'll be learning:

30-Day Client Getting Challenge

Ways to Master LinkedIn Marketing

Ways to Master Instagram Marketing

Ways to Master Facebook Marketing

Personal Branding Essentials


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I need this!
Start my journey now. →


Transform knowledge into results. Fortify your mental foundation to tackle practical applications head-on with a comprehensive tutorial on the principles and strategies of effective lead generation.

What you'll be learning:

Lead Generation 101 Tutorial

LinkedIn Lead Generation

Instagram Lead Generation

Facebook Lead Generation

Practical Projects to Showcase Your Skills


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I need this!
Start my journey now. →


Sharpen your mindset to move into advanced strategies and negotiations. Gain insights into the art of client negotiation, ensuring win-win outcomes.

The Ultimate Guide to Discovery Call Revealed

What are the Packages and How Does It work?

The Ultimate Guide to Pricing

The Secrets on How to Negotiate with Clients

Advanced Freelancing Strategies



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What you'll be learning:

Exclusive activities to Supercharge Your Journey:

  • 5 Worksheets to for convenient self-paced learning
  • 10 Group Caoching + Lifetime Access to Recordings.
  • 5x 1.1 Strategic Coaching Session Once A Month
  • Exclusive Facebook 12-Month Access
  • Certificate

Is this you?

✖ Scrolling through job listings, a coffee gone cold next to you, feeling like you're in a dense forest with no clear path. 
✖ Sitting alone in a café, watching a group of corporate employees laughing together, chasing that success ladder, while you’re there, on your own, wishing you had someone to share your dreams and challenges with.
✖ Waking up every day with the intention to make progress, but by evening you're distracted, defeated, and haven’t ticked a single thing off your list. 
✖ Staring at your desk buried under papers, invoices, and strategies, with no end or start. I know. It’s suffocating.
✖ Staying up ‘till 3 AM, tailoring applications, sending them into the vast void of freelancing sites, only to hear the deafening silence or clients trying to bargain you down.




✔ be on a sunny business trail with a map in hand, every step confident and purposeful.
✔ be the heart of the party, surrounded by fellow freelancers who've got your back, cheering every win.
✔ own a business that feels like your favorite song on repeat – every day is productive, rhythmed, and fulfilling.
✔ clear the clutter on your and your mind with your organized files, the perfect tools, and an automated system. You, sitting back, sipping tea, business flowing smoothly while you focus on your zone of genius.
✔ turn the tables in your favor. Your inbox is buzzing, clients vying for your attention, ready and willing to pay your premium rates without batting an eye. The spotlight's on you, and oh, how it shines!


I need this!
Start my journey now. →


Lay a robust foundation for your freelance journey. Learn the strategies to create and strengthen your digital footprint. 

What you'll be learning:

What is LinkedIn and How Does It Work?

What is Instagram and How Does It Work?

What is Facebook and How Does It Work?

Build Your Online Presence

It's All About The Mindset


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I need this!
Start my journey now. →



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Build your tribe. Deepen your understanding of the importance of a niche-focused mindset. Explore the art of handling and overseeing social media channels effectively.

What you'll be learning:

The Skills for Social Media Marketing Mastery Revealed

Social Media Management vs. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Management?

Discovering Your Passion and Specialty

I need this!
Start my journey now. →



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Brand yourself as the go-to expert. Master the nuances of marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn in boosting your reach. Embark on an intensive journey to acquire clients with actionable tasks for a month.

What you'll be learning:

30-Day Client Getting Challenge

Ways to Master LinkedIn Marketing

Ways to Master Instagram Marketing

Ways to master Facebook Marketing

Personal Branding Essentials

I need this!
Start my journey now. →



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Lay a robust foundation for your freelance journey. Learn the strategies to create and strengthen your digital footprint. 

What you'll be learning:

Lead Generation 101 Tutorial

LinkedIn Lead Generation

Instagram Lead Generation

Facebook Lead Generation

Practical projects to showcase skills

I need this!
Start my journey now. →



exclusive perks →

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Lay a robust foundation for your freelance journey. Learn the strategies to create and strengthen your digital footprint. 

What you'll be learning:

The Ultimate Guide to Discovery Call Revealed

What are the Packages and How Do They Work?

The Ultimate Guide to Pricing

The Secrets on How to Negotiate with Clients

Advanced freelancing strategies

I need this!
Start my journey now. →


← Prev

Exclusive Perks and Activities to
Supercharge Your Journey:

  • 5 Worksheets to for convenient self-paced learning
  • 10 Group Caoching + Lifetime Access to Recordings.
  • 5x 1.1 Strategic Coaching Session Once A Month
  • Exclusive Facebook 12-Month Access
  • Certificate

I've walked a mile or two in your shoes...

My journey began a lot like yours. I faced the vast freelance landscape, grappled with the trials of consistency, felt the pangs of solitude, and wrestled with daunting business tasks – trust me, I've walked in those shoes.

With resilience, relentless learning, and sheer commitment, I transformed my path from a wandering freelancer to a celebrated CEO. Now, I want to share my roadmap with you, so you don’t just navigate but truly thrive in your freelance journey.

Read my story →

Navigating the freelance labyrinth...

I've seen countless talented individuals, much like you, lost in the maze of freelancing. So much potential, yet sidetracked by avoidable mistakes.

I dreamt of crafting a transformative guide, not just another course. This roadmap is the culmination of my years of trials, triumphs, and a burning passion to uplift others. 

and here's my happy ending →

From freelancer to flourisher...

Inside Accelerate Creatives Academy, not only will I ensure you sidestep these pitfalls, but I'll also teach you to walk on stilettos on a runway with confidence. Save time, energy, and potential lost earnings. Learn from my journey and strut your way to fast-tracked success.


Meet me inside!  →

Navigating the freelance labyrinth...

I've seen countless talented individuals, much like you, lost in the maze of freelancing. So much potential, yet sidetracked by avoidable mistakes.

I dreamt of crafting a transformative guide, not just another course. This roadmap is the culmination of my years of trials, triumphs, and a burning passion to uplift others. 

From freelancer to flourisher...

Inside Accelerate Creatives Academy, not only will I ensure you sidestep these pitfalls, but I'll also teach you to walk on stilettos on a runway with confidence. Save time, energy, and potential lost earnings. Learn from my journey and strut your way to fast-tracked success.


Meet me inside!  →

Enter the academy now →

I've made the mistakes every dreamer makes.

✖  The "Yes" Trap
I said 'yes' to almost every gig, leading to burnout and a blurred brand. I'll guide you on choosing projects that truly align with your vision.

✖  The Pricing Puzzle
I struggled to price right, either underselling or overshooting. Let's find your sweet spot, so you're rewarded for your true worth.

The Lone Ranger Mistake
I thought skills alone would bring clients. But, networking is key. I'll unveil networking secrets, making you not just known, but the go-to in your niche.

And I'm sharing my insights so you don't have to.

Coach Katt Christine transformed my freelancing journey. Within a month under her comprehensive guidance, I secured three paid contracts. Her hands-on mentorship, covering everything from profile building to personal growth, has been my most valuable investment. She's not just a coach but a trusted ally in achieving professional freedom. Her program is a must for aspiring freelancers.

Mariel L.

social media Specialist









Coach Katt's program stands out from all others I've experienced in my freelancing journey. Her academy has not only refined my chosen niche but also introduced me to new skills and broader freelancing knowledge. The unique emphasis on self-awareness and understanding one's IKIGAI taught me the importance of truly knowing oneself in this industry. Under Katt's leadership, I've met fantastic colleagues and learned the power of teamwork. Her positive, enriching academy has significantly advanced my personal and professional growth.

Nessy T.

social media Manager









Under Coach Katt's guidance, my journey into the digital realm skyrocketed, allowing me to secure deals with two clients in just two months. Prior to her program, I was struggling on my own, but with her genuine 1:1 coaching and insights, I've learned to recognize my potential, stay consistent, and manage my time. My confidence has soared, and I'm now on a clear path to achieve my freedom goals. For those aspiring to be top-notch social media managers, Coach Katt and the Accelerate Academy come highly recommended to elevate your business and expertise.

Nissan O.

Social media manager | VA









Joining Accelerate Academy was the start of my transformation. The course didn't just equip me with freelancing knowledge, but also instilled the importance of self-belief and taking action towards financial freedom. Coach Katt and her team are incredibly supportive, ensuring we stay on track with modules and assignments. The investment in time, money, and effort has been invaluable, and I'm eager to recommend this invaluable resource to friends seeking the same financial independence.

Karen G.

Instagram Content Strategist









Having Coach Katt Christine has been a blessing in the unpredictable freelancing landscape. Her consistent support and encouragement, especially during challenging times, have been invaluable. She ensures I never lag behind and always boosts my confidence. I'm honored to be under her guidance and to serve as an IG and Facebook Strategist for Accelerate Digital Media.

Helen B.

Instagram Content Strategist









Coach Katt Christine radiates positivity and drives us to unearth our potential. Beyond her vast knowledge and strategies, she emphasizes real-world application. Approachable and ever-supportive, she ensures no query goes unresolved. With Coach Katt, you're never navigating your business journey alone, and for that, I'm immensely grateful.

Ellen M.

Sales funnel designer | graphic designer









Being in Coach Katt Christine's program has been transformative. Not only has she imparted invaluable social media marketing insights, but she also emphasizes real-world application, evident through mock client calls and feedback sessions. Beyond technical skills, Coach Katt provides essential emotional support, ensuring our mindsets align with our freelancing aspirations. Her relentless motivation and focus on our ultimate goals make this program truly exceptional.

Juvy M.

Sales funnel designer | graphic designer









Coach Katt emphasizes action and perseverance above all. While she provides comprehensive guides on processes and client relationships, her biggest lessons are on mindset. "Application is key," "Success is a journey," and "Never give up," are her mantras that resonate deeply. Beyond the technicalities, it's her unwavering belief in us, her constant encouragement to "believe in yourself," that's truly invaluable. With Coach Katt, the true lesson is mastering one's mindset.

Catherine C.

Content marketer









What students say about
accelerate creatives academy


This program is tailor-made for individuals ready to take command of their own business, desiring financial freedom, harboring big dreams, craving work flexibility, and eager to make a significant impact with their talents.

Question 1: Who is the Accelerate from Zero to CEO Blueprint designed for?











Question 2: Are there payment plans available for this program?


Yes, we offer flexible payment options for the Accelerate from Zero to CEO Blueprint. You can either opt for a one-time payment of 5,000 Php or choose our payment plan, which consists of 2 installments of 2,999 Php each.











Question 3: I'm new to taking action and applying what I've learned. Is this program right for me?


Success, especially in freelancing, hinges on both learning and doing. This program is ideal for those willing to apply the knowledge they gain to yield substantial results in their professional lives.











Question 4: What makes this program different from other business-building courses?


Unlike typical courses, this blueprint is more than just a self-paced study or business-building program.

It’s a comprehensive system that teaches you to transition from handling every task to becoming a true CEO - a Creator of Extraordinary Outcome. Plus, it’s proven to work, eliminating guesswork.











Question 5: Can I expect to achieve consistent revenue with this program?


Absolutely! The Accelerate from Zero to CEO Blueprint is your north star, guiding you to consistently elevate your freelancing business. By following the strategies and systems laid out in the course, you can achieve levels where you generate steady revenue month after month.

However, while the Blueprint points you in the right direction, it's crucial to remember that you must take the steps, apply the lessons, and do the walking. With commitment and dedication, you won't just navigate — you'll thrive. And by thrive, I meant to enter your CEO era and stay there for as long as you want!











Question 6: Is there a guarantee of results?


The Key to Virtual School Success: Consistent Application. Similar to other aspects of life, the level of effort you put into virtual school will directly impact what you get out of it. Your results are entirely dependent on your consistency and dedication.

By committing wholly to the process and consistently putting in the work, you'll see the results you desire.











Question 6: Can I share course information with a friend?


The knowledge gained from these classes is truly worth sharing. But keep in mind that the activities and lessons are specifically designed for the individuals in that group.

To ensure that your friends get the most out of their experience, we suggest that they enroll in the course themselves.











Question 8: In the event that I am unable to complete the program, what are the consequences?


There are only two reasons why graduation may not be possible:

1. if a requirement is not submitted or,

2. if the monthly tuition fee is not paid. 

Our team will remind you to complete both tasks in case you forget. But if you fail to comply, your access will be withdrawn. However, you can re-enroll in the next batch without repaying as long as you were previously qualified.











Question 9: What are the necessary qualifications to get in the academy?


Simply complete the application form to the best of your ability, and you can proceed with the payment.

We prioritize individuals who exhibit commitment, consistency, and diligence. If you posses these traits, there is no need to worry!











Question 10: Would it be possible to get a refund?


Please note that due to the nature of our services, we do not offer refunds.

The Accelerate Creatives Academy program is a rigorous 5-month journey that is focused on the application of your skills. The time, experience, and effort of our coach is truly valuable.











Your questions answered












This program is tailor-made for individuals ready to take command of their own business, desiring financial freedom, harboring big dreams, craving work flexibility, and eager to make a significant impact with their talents.

Question 1: Who is the Accelerate from Zero to CEO Blueprint designed for?

Question 2: Are there payment plans available for this program?


Yes, we offer flexible payment options for the Accelerate from Zero to CEO Blueprint. You can either opt for a one-time payment of 5,000 Php or choose our payment plan, which consists of 2 installments of 2,999 Php each.











Question 3: I'm new to taking action and applying what I've learned. Is this program right for me?


Success, especially in freelancing, hinges on both learning and doing. This program is ideal for those willing to apply the knowledge they gain to yield substantial results in their professional lives.











Question 4: What makes this program different from other business-building courses?


Unlike typical courses, this blueprint is more than just a self-paced study or business-building program.

It’s a comprehensive system that teaches you to transition from handling every task to becoming a true CEO - a Creator of Extraordinary Outcome. Plus, it’s proven to work, eliminating guesswork.











Question 5: Can I expect to achieve consistent revenue with this program?


Absolutely! The Accelerate from Zero to CEO Blueprint is your north star, guiding you to consistently elevate your freelancing business. By following the strategies and systems laid out in the course, you can achieve levels where you generate steady revenue month after month.

However, while the Blueprint points you in the right direction, it's crucial to remember that you must take the steps, apply the lessons, and do the walking. With commitment and dedication, you won't just navigate — you'll thrive. And by thrive, I meant to enter your CEO era and stay there for as long as you want!











Question 6: Is there a guarantee of results?


The Key to Virtual School Success: Consistent Application. Similar to other aspects of life, the level of effort you put into virtual school will directly impact what you get out of it. Your results are entirely dependent on your consistency and dedication.

By committing wholly to the process and consistently putting in the work, you'll see the results you desire.











Question 6: Can I share course information with a friend?


The knowledge gained from these classes is truly worth sharing. But keep in mind that the activities and lessons are specifically designed for the individuals in that group.

To ensure that your friends get the most out of their experience, we suggest that they enroll in the course themselves.











Question 8: In the event that I am unable to complete the program, what are the consequences?


There are only two reasons why graduation may not be possible:

1. if a requirement is not submitted or,

2. if the monthly tuition fee is not paid. 

Our team will remind you to complete both tasks in case you forget. But if you fail to comply, your access will be withdrawn. However, you can re-enroll in the next batch without repaying as long as you were previously qualified.











Question 9: What are the necessary qualifications to get in the academy?


Simply complete the application form to the best of your ability, and you can proceed with the payment.

We prioritize individuals who exhibit commitment, consistency, and diligence. If you posses these traits, there is no need to worry!











Question 10: Would it be possible to get a refund?


Please note that due to the nature of our services, we do not offer refunds.

The Accelerate Creatives Academy program is a rigorous 5-month journey that is focused on the application of your skills. The time, experience, and effort of our coach is truly valuable.











Your questions answered


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This is the beginning of your unstoppable career!





Ready for the next step?
Make this the DAY 1 of your SUCCESS!